About Me

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I'm Medina Savira. I'm a part of SMPN 5 Bandung 2013 I'm participant of TUNZA 2011. I have written 7 books for KKPK & PBC serial. Enjoy my blog! :-)

Kamis, 29 Desember 2011

Shooting Koki Cilik Trans 7

Senin, 14 November 2011
Di sekolah, aku enggak bisa diem. Kerjaannya mondar-mandir terus. Teman-temanku berusaha menenangkanku. Tapi, tetap saja aku enggak bisa tenang. Gimana bisa tenang kalau hari itu aku diajak shooting Koki Cilik?!?!?!
Sekitar jam setengah 1 siang, aku dijemput tim Trans 7. Aku dan ibuku satu mobil dengan Al dan mamanya. Aku pisah mobil dengan Kak Olla dan Kak Uthe. Al menyapaku, aku sapa balik deh. Terus, aku minta follow backnya di twitter. Lumayanlah.. Wkwk. Al langsung nawarin pin bbmnya ke aku. Wah, kesempatan emas nih! :p
Sebelum kita pergi ke lokasi shooting, kita makan dulu di rumah makan di daerah jalan Kalimantan. Nah, sambil menunggu pesanannya datang, aku memberikan buku karyaku ke tim Trans 7 dan Al. Hehehe... Al juga banyak cerita sama aku dan banyak ngobrol sama aku. Mamanya juga gitu, untunglah mamanya baik. Pas makanannya dateng, kita pun menghentikan obrolan.

Makan siang pun usai. Kita mulai melanjutkan perjalanan. Lokasi shootingnya itu di d'Seuhah da Lada Resto, Lembang. Aku enggak perlu cerita tentang perjalanannya ya, soalnya males ngetik enggak banyak hal yang bisa diceritakan.

Akhirnya, sekitar jam setengah 4 aku sampai di lokasi shooting. Kebetulan di Lembang sedang gerimis. Aku dan Al bersiap-siap untuk shooting. Oh iya, sebelumnya aku shalat Ashar dulu di mushola d'Seuhah da Lada Resto. Lalu, aku berganti pakaian. Aku mengenakan dress berwarna merah muda, bergambar bunga. Seperti biasa, Al mengenakan pakaian kokinya yang warna biru itu lho... Aku dan Al harus menunggu karena tim trans 7 masih menyiapkan semuaanyaaaaa. Mereka masih harus mengatur meja, bahan-bahan untuk memasak, dan cahayanya. Itu lama banget lho! Selagi menunggu Al beli aromanis. Dia bilang dia suka banget sama aromanis! Tapi, di Depok (dia tinggal di Depok), udah jarang yang jual aromanis.. Aku juga dikasih aromanis sama dia, so sweet deh :p Oh iya, Al juga menenangkan diriku biar enggak grogi. Alhamdulillah yah, jadi enggak terlalu grogi nantinya.

Sekitar jam 5 lewat, aku dan Al baru bisa mulai shooting. Lamanya tuh karena ngatur cahayanya! Kalau mau shooting di luar, kan lagi gerimis... Tentunya aku dan Al ditemani seorang chef. Namanya..... uuuh lupa-_- Pokoknya perempuan, tapi pemalu. Makanya aku sama Al harus lebih cerewet hahaha... Aku dan Al masak Puding Mega Lembang dan Minuman Tepang Sono. Untungnya Al bisa mencairkan suasana dan membaca kondisi jika aku terlihat grogi atau enggak terlalu paham untuk memasaknya. Biasanya kalau udah gitu Al suka bercanda dan bantuin aku.
Masakan pertama, Puding Mega Lembang pun selesai. Sekarang tinggal menunggu keras saja. Nah, selagi menunggu pudingnya keras, aku dan Al dibantu oleh chef yang pendiem banget aku lupa namanya itu membuat Minuman Tepang Sono. Aku dan Al harus memotong-motong melon untuk salah satu isi minumannya. Kalian tau enggak? Dina takut banget lho sama pisau! Tapi, entah kenapa Dina lancar banget motong melonnya. Dina lupa seakan-akan kalau Dina takut pisau. Sesuatu banget..

Ketika aku dan Al sudah selesai membuat kedua menu tersebut, kita break dulu. Aku juga cerita ke Al, kak Uthe, dan kak Olla kalau sebenarnya aku takut pisau. Mereka tertawa sekaligus kaget. Mereka juga nanya kenapa aku enggak bilang pas awal.. Hahaha. Oh iya, kadang kalau lagi shooting juga harus terpaksa berhenti dulu kalau ada suara motor lewat. Dan, yang lebih parah waktu itu ada suara ambulans! Kalau lagi break aku biasanya berfoto sama Al serta tim Trans 7. Aku juga suka menghampiri ibuku. Nah, setelah break aku dan Al langsung melanjutkan shooting. Sekarang tinggal bagian penutupnya. Kita icip-icip dulu deh makanannya! Hihihi...

MAKAN SEHAT PASTI PINTAR! YES SETUJU! I'm lucky for take a shooting with you, Al.

11 November 2011

Hai semuanyaaa! Dina mau berbagi cerita lagi nih. Kita tuntas kupas semua kegiatan Dina di tahun 2011 yuk! Sebentar lagi kan udah mau memasuki tahun 2012. Hihihi...

Jum'at 11 November 2011, 11-11-2011.
Tanggal yang bagus. Apakah akan terjadi hal yang bagus juga untukku? Ternyata jawabannya iya. Kira-kira pukul 10 siang, guruku memanggilku dan Nada. Aku kira ada hubungannya dengan kegiatan TUNZA. Tapi, ternyata aku dipertemukan dengan tim Trans 7, Kak Olla dan Kak Uthe. Beberapa menit kemudian, adik kelasku datang menemui guruku juga. Ada Tata, Adila, Viola, Bila, Eriel, Rif, dan Akmal.
"Kak, aku cuma ada 8 orang nih!" kata Tata.
"Enggak apa-apa, kok. Ini kan ada kakak kelasmu dari kelas 8," jawab kak Uthe.
Aku dan Nada kebingungan. Lalu, guruku menjelaskan. Ternyata tim Trans 7 sedang mencari beberapa anak yang akan diikutsertakan untuk shooting Koki Cilik Trans 7. Kebetulan karena aku dan Nada doyan makan memang senang berbicara, ya kita dipilih. Begitu pula dengan beberapa anak kelas 7 yang dipilih. Tapi, sebelumnya kita tetap harus casting dulu. Casting nya sih dilaksanakan di ruang Bu Golek, salah satu ruangan di SMPN 5 Bandung, sekolahku. Casting dilaksanakan untuk menentukan episode apa yang cocok untuk kita. Dan ternyata, host Koki Ciliknya ada di sekolahku. Dia dipanggil ketika aku dan Rif sedang pura-pura memasak.
Namanya Al, anaknya Ahmad Dhani. Bukan, dia bukan anaknya Ahmad Dhani yang ganteng itu. Tapi, dia host Koki Cilik yang bisa dibilang ganteng juga sih ;p Anaknya supel, baik, putih, tinggi. Untunglah, jadi enggak grogi..
Jadi begitu cerita singkatnya, kenapa aku bisa diajak shooting Koki Cilik.

TUNZA 2011 ☀ - Day 6 (Part 2)

October 1st, 2011 - Day 6 (Part 2, Closing Ceremony)

The participants must wore national dress. I wore baju bodo from Makassar. The color of my national dress is pink. I really like my national dress because it was really cute and comfortable to I wore. My hair is straight and wavy because I tied my hair. I also wore headband or crown. Kak Nabila wore kebaya from West Java. Vido and Archan wore batik. Jordi wore national dress from Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam. Nada told me that she will wore merak dress. Nadia same with me. She will wore baju bodo. Actually, she bought the dress from me ;p

Vido, Jordi, and Archan visited my room. We watched Harry Potter movie before we went to Gedung Merdeka. At 05.00 pm, we visited Caca's room (my friend from SMPN 2 Bandung). Me and kak Nabila entered the room. There was Caca, Fay, and .... Aaaa I forgot her name! I'm so sorry :( All of them wore kebaya.
At 05.30 pm, we went to ground floor. Our chaperone was there. Ms.Neneng and Ms.Ismi wore same dress.
We waited for other participants. Finally, we went to Gedung Merdeka at 06.30 pm. As you know, Bandung have traffic jam. We passed Cihampelas. We arrived at Gedung Merdeka 07.30 pm, we're late! We didn't have dinner because the closing ceremony is going to start.

Closing ceremony and closing party hosted by H.E. Ahmad Heryawan, governor of West Java. There were performances by regions and Indonesia. Ta'kaya from Canada sang the song about environment. She said the song was created by her. Her voice is melodious. A boy from India dancing, but I don't know what the name of dance. He is really funny. A little girl from Abu Dhabi also sang, same with Ta'kaya. But her voice isn't good enough..

After performances, the representatives of TUNZA read the contents of Bandung Declaration. I forgot the sequence of activities in detail. After that, we were given angklung from Saung Angklung Udjo. Every participant got one angklung. But, sometimes abroad participants got more than one angklung. Angklung is musical instruments from West Java. I played angklung when I was in Elementary School. We played angklung together. We played many songs! The women from Saung Angklung Udjo taught the participants. The participants are very happy including me!

Many participants asked me to take a photo with them. They said my national dress is cute and interesting. They also said I'm beautiful :"> I was given many gift from many countries. I got chocolate from... Mm, I forgot. I got postcard from Malaysia. I got candy and coin from Canada. I got a little doll from Guatemala. And many more ;p Unfortunately, I didn't bring anything for abroad participants. My chaperone didn't ask me about that :-(

Before we back to hotel, I met Roberto. He wore national dress from Philippines. Aaaa, he is very handsome! Abroad participants looks so bored. As you know, they didn't like waiting. They waited for bus. Yes, they want to back hotel. I'm lucky because I could took some photos with them. I also met Jes, participant from Malaysia. He is very kind. He could speak with Indonesia language. I told about my feeling. Actually, I have a crush with Roberto... :"> Jes promise to me that he will told about my feeling to Roberto. Jes also laughed when I told my feeling. I'm very shy, lol.

Finally, at 11.30 pm we back to hotel. And we arrived at Nalendra Hotel at 12.00 am.

Thanks for everything, TUNZA! I'm lucky for joining TUNZA 2011. UNFORGETTABLE MOMENT!

Rabu, 28 Desember 2011

TUNZA 2011 ☀ - Day 6 (Part 1)

October 1st, 2011 - Day 6 (Part 1, Excursion)

Today is the last day of TUNZA! Oh nooooo! I don't know what I'm feeling. Sad or happy? I'm sad because I must part with my friends from other countries. But, I'm happy because I can go home! I really miss my family and my home ;p

In the last day, we went to Gedung Merdeka (Venue of ASIA-AFRIKA Conference in year 1955). When participants from Nalendra Hotel arrived there, participants from other hotels wasn't there. Abroad participants went to Babakan Siliwangi (World City Forest) for plant a tree. I thought it was unfair. Why were participants from Indonesia weren't allowed for plant a tree at Babakan Siliwangi? *nevermind*

Me and kak Nabila saw the contents of Gedung Merdeka. There was materials were used by Ir. Soekarno, Indonesia's first president. There was also some newspaper when ASIA-AFRICA conference era. If you visit Gedung Merdeka, you will see declaration of ASIA-AFRICA conference with many languages. The most important thing you must know is the voice of Ir. Soekarno. I suggest you guys to visit Gedung Merdeka! You will get new knowledge and new experience ;)

When participants from Babakan Siliwangi arrived at Gedung Merdeka, we entered the main room. I didn't see Nada and Nadia there. Too much people there! And the situation of main room was very irregular. Finally, me with my friends (kak Nabila, Vido, Jordi, Archan) sat with other participants from SMPN 2 Bandung. We discuss about Bandung declaration with other groups. I usually discuss Bandung declaration with Nada and Nadia.

At 12.00 pm, the group discussion was finished. We have free time from 12.00 pm until 04.00 pm. Actually, we can lunch at Gedung Merdeka. But, Vido wanted to have lunch at McD. Me with my friends went to McD Dago by Vido's car. Nada didn't join us because she went to PVJ with her organization.

I felt strange when I went to McD. I didn't see situation of Bandung city for 6 days! Hahaha:p When we arrived at McD, many people who saw us. I thought it cause we wore TUNZA t-shirt and bag. But, we didn't complicate it~
Long time I didn't eat McD (for 1 week:p). As you know, at TUNZA, I didn't always like the food.

At 02.30 pm, we back to hotel. But, Vido didn't stay at hotel. He back to his home. Me and kak Nabila prepare for closing ceremony. Jordi and Archan they do too.

Read my next post about closing ceremony of TUNZA! ;>

Kamis, 15 Desember 2011

TUNZA 2011 ☀ - Day 5

September 30th, 2011 - Day 5

Field trip to several numbers of Tourism and Environment Object nearby Bandung area, will be held on the 30th of September 2011. The committee has chosen 3 options of objects for youth and 3 options for children.
Options for youth :
1. Hydro power, Jatiluhur
2. Geothermal Energy Star
3. Volcano and Forest Walk, Tangkuban Perahu

Options for children :
1. Treasure Hunt and Forest Walk, TAHURA (Dago Pakar)
2. Obersavtory, Bosscha
3. Integradted Farms, Little Farmer

Me and my friends except kak Nabila joined field trip to TAHURA. Yesterday, the organizing committee gave us information that each bus will leave hotel at 7.30 am.

At 7.00 am, me and kak Nabila went to the restaurant. I didn't see other participants there. I thought they still in their bedroom. I just saw the organizing committee.
The organizing committee ask us "Why you still here? The bus has left this hotel at 06.30 am."
Me "Me as a children participants didn't go to Hydro Power, Jatiluhur. If we go there, we must left this hotel at 6.30 am."

Jordi was phoned me, when I'm eating.
Jordi "Dina, where are you?"
Dina "I'm at restaurant hotel. Where are you, Jordi?"
Jordi "I'm at Sabuga! The bus has left Nalendra Hotel at 06.30 am."
Dina "ARE YOU SERIOUS?:O But, the organizing committee still here."
Jordi "Yes! You must asked them about it."
Dina "Thanks for your information, Jordi!"

I talked with the organizing committee. Alhamdulillah, they wanted accompanied me and kak Nabila to Sabuga. When I arrived at Sabuga, I didn't see participants from other hotels. Actually, the participants from Nalendra came earlier. -_-

We went to TAHURA at 09.00 am. When we arrived there, we greeted with the opening ceremony.
We were divided into 4 groups (Actually, I forgot ._.v). We start to walked around TAHURA. I walked with Nada and Nadia. Vido walked with Jordi and Archan. The distance between one cave to another cave is far enough. And, there's many stalls. Usually, the stalls selling roasted corn. The abroad participants are very interested to taste roasted corn. Vido, Jordi, and Archan also bought roasted corn.

After we visited Japanese Caves and Netherland Caves, we went to.... I forgot the name of the venue. I'm so sorry! -_-v

After the field trip, we also have lunch there. The participants were given lunch box by the organizing committee. We also have break time for saw the gift from TAHURA and took a photo. *ABOUT TAHURA*
Once entering the gates Tahura this, we will be greeted by rows of pine trees with the freshness of natural Kaliandra, Bamboo, and a few other plant species. Tahura Ir.H. Juanda has a natural tourist attraction is quite diverse as landscapes, flora and fauna. Not only that, because there are also quite interesting attractions such as Monument Ir.H.Juanda, heritage caves Dutch and Japanese, there arre also artifical 'Kolam Pakar' about 1.15 hectares owned by PLN that serves as a reservoir originating Cikapundung to the source of the river power plants. And there are 2 pieces waterfall is a waterfall and waterfal Omas Dago-high 35 yards.
At 1.30 pm we back to hotel. Unforgettable field trip! <3 When I back to hotel, kak Nabilla wasn't there. I talked with Jordi and Archan. Vido wasn't stay at hotel. He stay at his home. Hahaha... At 03.00 pm, kak Nabila arrived at hotel. We wanted to ate snack~ Jordi bought spicy chips called "maicih" on ground floor. While we eating maicih, we were watching television. We also shared the story during TUNZA.

I didn't believe tomorrow is the last day of TUNZA...

Rabu, 14 Desember 2011

TUNZA 2011 ☀ - Day 4

September 29th, 2011 - Day 4
State of the Global Environment/Forests

I will tell my story at TUNZA 2011. I won't tell my story about what time I wake up and what time I have breakfast ;p

I went to Sabuga by bus. We arrived at Sabuga on 08.45 am. We must waiting until 09.00 am. We waited for participants from other hotels.
At 09.00 am, the participants entered the conference room. Youth participants will discuss about State of the Global Environment/Forests and election of the Tunza Youth Advisory Council. Children participants will discuss about forest.

Representation from every country must told the presentation (From September 28th - September 29th, 2011). Korea's representation told us about environment project. Brunei's representation told us about Cultivating an Eco Garden. And many more! :-)

We have lunch at 12.00 pm. Yeayyy! *time to eat;p*

As usual, after lunch the participants must joined the workshop. I and kak Nabila were invited by Nada and Nadia to join "Climate Change" workshop. The facilitator is Inconvenient Youth (IY). Nada and Nadia are member of IY. Vido, Jordi, and Archan joined other workshop. Our teacher didn't allow us to joined a workshop together. If we joined workshop together, we won't got any info.

The facilitator told us presentation about climate change. Nada and Nadia as member of IY also told the presentation. After that, we played games. If we lose, we must answer the question. After games session, we divided into 4 group. We must made mind map. My group made mind map about forest.
I really enjoyed this workshop. When me and my friends want to take a snack, we saw unique thing. I forgot name of the thing-_- mm.. free sit... free sat... free sat map... free sit map.. Aaaa I forgot! We could sit there and take it to hotel (after TUNZA, we could take it to home hahaha). That's free!

I joined "Save Our Forests and Change Your Lifestyle!" workshop. Kak Nabila also joined that workshop. Nada, Nadia, Vido, Jordi, and Archan joined other workshop. I really happy when I see Roberto is joined same workshop with me :p Do you know? He is a funny person. He is cute and handsome, haha :p

I didn't enjoy the workshop. The workshop was bored! I talked with kak Nabila, Roberto, Jess, Josh, and other participants from Brunei Darussalam. We laughed together and the facilitator ignored us~ hahaha.
I have some information for you :
- The three most forest-rich countries are Russia, Brazil, and Canada.
- World Environment Day : June 5th
- Plastic Bag Free Day : February 21st

Finally, the workshop has finished. We continued the activities with group discussions :
5.00 pm : Group discussions
6.00 pm : Plenary on Bandung Outcome for Rio+20Moderated by Nick Nutnall and a member of the youth steering committee.
6.30 pm : Plenary (Adoption of the Bandung Declaration)

Before we have dinner, the steering committee gave us information about the activities for tomorrow. The situation of room was very noisy and irregular. Even they've gave information, they played some musics. Cool! :P
We have dinner at 8.30 pm. While we having dinner, the bus was ready to return to the hotel. We had to eat quickly. But, the bus to Nalenda wasn't come. The abroad participants were preferred. Before back to hotel, I went to the toilet. And I see participants from Malaysia played giant snake ladder!
Finally, we back to hotel at 9.30 pm. I take a rest because I will go to field trip tomorrow!

Sabtu, 10 Desember 2011

TUNZA 2011 ☀ - Day 3

September 28th, 2011 - Day 3
Global Environment Governance/Sustainable Consumption

Every day, the participants must joined the workshop. From September 28th - 29th 2011, we must joined two workshop. Before we start workshop, we entered conference room to Parallel Plenary Sessions. Children's room is different with youth's room.

Me as a children participant will discuss about Sustainable Consumption. And, youth participants will discuss about Global Environmental Governance/Sustainable Lifestyles).
*30 minutes break in-between

Every representation from each country will present their material. Sometimes, the presentation is interesting. But, sometimes I couldn't understand their presentation. ^^v

We have lunch at 12.00 pm. And, we continued to join workshop of the day. Nada joined "Away does not exist" workshop with Nadya. I and kak Nabila join "Food Security" workshop.

I really enjoyed the workshop. The facilitator also from Indonesia, same with me. I could understand the material about "Food Security" easily. The facilitator invited us to play the game. We created a group based on paper that we got. I got "chicken" paper. My group are consist of many countries. I remembered, there's one participant from Indonesia too. And, one participant from Malaysia, her name is Kasih. I also met participant from Philippines, his name is Roberto. I thought! he is a funny person!
The participants that joined Food Security workshop must wrote impression and message about TUNZA 2011.
*03.00 pm
Break time!*

I forgot that workshop I joined at 3.30 pm. As far as I knew, I joined workshop about forest. The facilitator is Tukaya, from Canada. I thought she is too young, she is a child! But, I called by Nada to joined "Bandung Declaration". So, I didn't join the workshop until end.

After workshop, we have time for regional discussions. Participants from Indonesia are including Asia Pasific. Regional discussions is so bored *_*

Our chaperones gave us information. The participants from Indonesia also stay at the hotel. Me and my friends stay at Nalendra Hotel, except Nada. Nada and her friends from her organization stay at Marbella Suite.

Before we went to hotel, we have dinner on roof garden. At 8.00 pm, we went to hotel. Tiring day!

TUNZA 2011 ☀ - Day 2

September 27th, 2011 - Day 2
Rio+20 - Green Economy

TUNZA 2011 was located at Sabuga, Bandung. My mother just accompanied me to Sabuga. Because my mother couldn't enter the area of TUNZA 2011. Only participants, chaperones, facilitators, pers/media, and organizing comittee that could enter the area of TUNZA 2011.

At 09.00 am, the opening ceremony was started.
1. Welcome adress by H.E. Ahmad Heryawan, Governor of West Java.
2. H.E. Prof. Dr. Gusti Muhammad Hatta (Minister of the Environment of Indonesia) gave a speech about "Why Indonesia decided to host the conference?"
3. Children and youth participant also gave a speech.
4. Mr.Achim Steiner (Executive Directore, United Nations Environment Programme) gave a speech about "Why young people should be at the centre of sustainable development and UNEP's commitment to engaging and involving youth in Rio+20?"
5. Jamaica Cafe sang TUNZA theme song.
6. H.E. Prof.Dr.Budiono, MEc (Vice president of Indonesia) gave a speech.
7. TUNZA officially opened by playing angklung by Vice President, Executive Directore of UNEP, Minister of Environment, and ministers.

The opening ceremony has finished on 10.10 am. After Vice President leave venue, we have break time. I met Nadya, she is Nada's friend from Jakarta. They joined the same organization. We also acquainted with abroad participants. Most of participants wore national dress. National dress from other countries are unique and interesting. Unfortunately, me and my friends just wore batik uniform school. So did the other participants from Indonesia (especially Bandung).

At 11.15 am, we started panel discussions about "Youth in the Green Economy : Reshaping Lives and Livelihood".
We continued the activity with "Award ceremony for the winners of the 20th International Children's Painting Competition and 20th Anniversary Commemoration"

We have lunch at 1.00 pm. The abroad participants prefer vegetarian food than meat.

After lunch, we entered conference room again. UNEP Goodwill Ambassador gave motivation for the participants. After motivational session finished, the participants must joined the workshop. Workshop options for children and youth are different. I and Nada wanted to joined "Reforming Your Community" workshop. But, the facilitator wasn't there. I and Nada must moved to other workshop.

I forgot what the title of the workshop. But, I and Nada didn't enjoy the workshop. The facilitator is from India. I couldn't understand what his say. Because his pronunciation wasn't clear.

The workshop has finished at 5.30 pm. I and Nada met Vido, Jordi, Archan, kak Nabila, Ms.Neneng, and Ms.Ismi. We shared our experience during the workshop. And, we have dinner together on roof garden with the participants.

At 8.00 pm, my mother pick me up. I really happy! Because I will go home! I hope tomorrow is better than today...

TUNZA 2011 ☀ - Day 1

September 26th, 2011 - Day 1

I went to Holiday Inn Hotel with my friends and my teachers. Ms. Neneng and Ms. Ismi as our chaperone from SMPN 5 Bandung. We met with other participants from Bandung.

The organizing committee gave us some properties from TUNZA 2011. I got bag, t-shirt, guide book, and pen. The organizing committee also took our photo for the nametag.

After that, we back to our school. There's no much activities. But, we met again at Holiday Inn Hotel at 7 pm to have a dinner with ASEAN participants. Me and my friends took a photo with participants from Malaysia.

We have met participants from Malasyia, how about tomorrow?

TUNZA 2011 ☀

Hello friends! I will tell my experience. And, I will try to tell my experience with English language. I'm sorry if my English bad. You can correct me, can't you? ;)

September 26th - October 1st 2011
Bandung, Indonesia

Me with five other friends represent our school and our country (Indonesia) to joined TUNZA 2011. Those are Nada, Vido, Jordi, Acrhan, and kak Nabila. TUNZA 2011 was joined by more than 100 countries. And, Indonesia elected as a host. I thought it was awesome!

I didn't know about environment, climate change, and global warming specifically. Different with my friend, Nada. Nada is West Java Sanitation Ambassador. She has great achievement, hasn't she? ;)
But, my teacher pointed I, Vido, Jordi, Archan, and kak Nabila to joined TUNZA 2011. I really happy and proud, because TUNZA 2011 is international event. Besides, my teacher delegated me to joined TUNZA 2011.

I will tell my story on next posts! ;p